Grupa robocza ds. europejskiej polityki dotyczącej torfowisk
Mission Statement for the European Peatland Policy Working Group
“To facilitate the alignment of all relevant policies, providing information and analysis to enable the large-scale conservation, restoration and sustainable management of peatlands across Europe with the aim of enhancing their ecological functions, biodiversity and water retention, ensuring the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in line with international climate targets, biodiversity targets and sustainable development goals.”
Governance and membership
The EPPWG was created within the frame of the LIFE MultiPeat project and is facilitated by Eurosite – the European Land Conservation Network;
the group will be maintained after the project is completed;
the group will include at least one representative from each European country with significant peatland resources;
members of the group will have expertise in different policy sectors and institutional backgrounds;
during the Multi Peat project the group secretariat will consist of the EPPWG chair and representatives of Eurosite and NABU (Multi Peat project leader) thereafter the secretariat composition will be reviewed annually by the members using consensus;
members are invited and proposed by the secretariat and approved by consensus of the group.
Activities and tasks
Internal WG meetings (every 2-3 months).
Open WG meetings once a year.
Consultation and discussion of the recommendations for CAP, WFD and other European policies affecting peatlands.
Maintenance of the contact with the EC and European agencies - members of the working group will meet or inform the representatives of the EC and European agencies about the recommendations of the group (every 6 months).
Initiate joint policy positions, depending on political momentum
Support other initiatives focused on the improvement of European peatland policies.
Support policy relevant initiatives by consensus.
Contribution to the “Peatland Post” E-newsletter.
Contribution to the building of knowledge base libraries.
Support the development of funding applications and research opportunities.
Chair of the group
Niall Ó Brolcháin, University of Galway
Contact and facilitation
Wojciech Mróz, Eurosite
EPPWG Leaflet:
EPPWG meetings:
Kick-off meeting: 14 December 2022
Meeting 2: 15 February 2023
Meeting 3: 9 March 2023
Meeting 4: 17 May 2023
Meeting 5: 31 May 2023
Meeting 6: 12 July 2023, Focus: CAP
Meeting 7: 13 September 2023, Focus: WFD
Meeting 8: 15 November 2023, Focus: Ireland
Meeting 9: 6 March 2024, Focus: Poland
Meeting 10: 5 June 2024, Focus: Germany
Meeting 11: 4 September 2024: Webinar “Aligning CAP & NRL: Peatland perspectives from across Europe”. Recording