LIFE Multi Peat
It has been a year since monitoring wells were installed in the Valley of the Grote Beek. This means we are getting a first picture of water level fluctuations in the area.
On the first graphs of all 45 monitoring wells, we see that there is still very much fluctuation in the water level. This graph shows all monitoring wells monitoring groundwater levels. This is also the reason why peat restoration is necessary here. The water level in winter is good to preserve the peat, but summer droughts in particular are pernicious for the peat soil. After the project, these fluctuations should be a lot smaller.
The second graph shows the gauges measuring the water in the stream. Of course, this one is a bit more difficult to interpret as it does not show how deep the streams are. The fluctuations are smaller here, but we know that most of the brooks are about 1m below ground level, and therefore drain the area deeply practically all year round.